Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Loving these lacy looks for spring!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bright Jeans

Even though its blizzarding outside, my favorite bloggers who live in less
 freezing -your - little - tushy - off - weather 
have all been wearing adorable bright jeans, and its making me want spring!

Check 'em out.

A Little Truth
Be happy with who YOU are!

Friday, March 16, 2012


A few photo updates of my life lately -

Owen's family came to visit. It was great to have them around. Spent lots of time playing board games and going on walks to the lake.

Blue Moon tastes the best after a day at the mountain, especially sitting outside.

We also ran into a friend dressed as a penguin. No big deal.

Owen's mom bravely dipped her head in the lake at least twice (and it was cold, people!) I watched like a wimp whilst shivering.

I have also rediscovered my love for CEREAL. A tasty treat that cures both hunger and thirst in one? How did we ever drift apart?

Of course, been spending some time with the fella', even though the work schedule gods just don't seem to want that to happen lately. Maybe this week. 


I've also been furiously working on my vintage shop. This is done while drinking large amounts of coffee, and switching between old Gilmore Girls episodes, Juno or Lullatone in the background.

Side note: Homemade butterscotch chip cookies, pretzels with hummus, and red wine also go great with vintage clothing - listing.

In the past couple weeks there have been a few unfortunate occasions I have to go to work on a "powder day", or better known in Squaw Valley as "the glorious day everyone within a 100 mile radius has been waiting months for." These are the fun-filled days I get to stare at the back of the same minivan for a good hour and a half while crawling along at the lightening speed of, well, a human walking. I do think I may have improved my singing voice though, with all this in-car practice.

I've also spent time working on my cookin' skills, bowling with friends, watching people try to walk through my restaurant in their ski boots without looking awkward, keeping my Oldsmobile filled with fluids so it keeps on runnin', and occasionally going to the gym (very occasionally). And my sister and best friend are coming to visit me within the upcoming month, so life is good! 

Now that you've gotten far more information than you bargained for when you started reading this post twenty minutes ago, I'm going to bed. Goodnight ya'll.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happiness is a Journey

I've posted this quote before, but this picture is beautiful, and who doesn't need a reminder?

Office Inspiration (or should I say PINspiration, heh)

A girl is allowed to dream, right? I love my little work space at the moment, mostly because of the big window with great sunlight. (Good for mannequin-picture-taking) But here are some ideas for my ideal future home office, and because why the heck not, my future house in general.

My work space window - great view, right?

They say dream big right? How amazing is this house!

Minus the uncomfortable-looking chairs, this living room would be so relaxing.

I like all the inspiring prints in this office space.

Isn't this fold-up table ideal? I would love to use it as my shipping space. That way I can throw all the boxes, tape, scissors, etc. up on the shelves, and only have the "fun stuff" out in the open (read: clothes).

I got this idea from an adorable blogger who runs her own etsy shop, and whose hubby built it for her. Check out the details.

A reading nook? Yes, please.

I need a nice, open kitchen where I can be all "Giada - at- home". Maybe the white would inspire me to  keep it clean. Hey, there's a small chance.

I really want a great outside space to hang out in. How awesome is this grilling spot with the stone bar? I'd be out there all the time.