Tuesday, January 31, 2012



If there is one thing I have learned while being a restaurant manager, it is patience. I strive to maintain a calm and pleasant appearance even when I have ten things happening at once, a busser wore orange Nikes to work instead of black work shoes, and someone is complaining that their salad is too cold (let me warm that up for you, sir).

But today, I lost it. Only slightly, but still, I shouldn't have. It has been an unusually busy month and I have not had enough "me" time. While I was helping the bartender with a full bar three people back, a server asked me something I had already answered three times, and I snapped at them. I could see the surprise on their face. "How could she be such a meanie-head?" 

I of course immediately apologized. But I still remember moments of people hurting my feelings for no reason other than a question about splitting a check, and it motivated me to be more patient with questions. Because no one is perfect, people will forget things, and in the end who cares? Its just food and booze. Life will go on. 

Well there is my guilty confession for the day. Anyone else have one?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hip Like Pippa

So the other day I was at my favorite thrift store and came across this dress, brand spankin' new with tags on, and in my size, for FIVE BUCKS! Had to get it. After bragging to my mom about my sweet find, we looked up the brand online and found out its a hip British brand called Whistles, and I found a picture of Pippa Middleton wearing it! Love her style, so of course this made me love it more. Oh how I love a good thrift.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There Is Finally Snow in Tahoe

As most of you who know me know, my first year in Tahoe we got attacked by what I like to call the snow monster. It felt like every day we got another foot of snow, and I was barreling my Oldsmobile down the road in the hopes of making it to town. 

This year, it has been the opposite. I was starting to wonder if we were going to get any at all. And then, just the other day, it snowed, and boy is everyone here happy to see it. Never have I lived in a place so dependent on Mother Nature. Without snow, a quarter of the population is out of work. Guests at the resort vacationing in Tahoe get mad at me because there is no snow. (I have literally had to apologize to a fifty year old man, because he was so rattled and could not understand why I could not provide him a white snowy wonderland).

But now its here and everyone is rejoicing! Tonight we took our traditional after work walk around the beach and enjoyed the new snowy atmosphere.

My Lil' Sister Came to Town

A couple weeks ago my sister came to town with a couple girls for a snowboarding trip (unfortunately the snow did not show up for another two weeks). We had a great time french toast eating, coffee drinking, riding the mountain, watching kids skip stones at the lake, drinking mimosas, trivia-nighting, thrift store shopping, and watching movies. Nothin' beats sista' time!

Here's a collage to commemorate our time together. Enjoy.