This morning, I moseyed on down to the thrift shop that only opens a couple times a week underneath a church downtown. Its the best (but really).
The ladies that run it are always putting out new stuff while you are there, so I end up looking slightly stalker-ish whenever I see one of them walk by with a vintage sundress or the likes. The trick is to casually walk behind them until they hang it up, pretending you are looking at the OTHER sundresses. Then, just after they walk away, I snatch it quick. HAH! Just before that trendy college girl sees it!
Yes, I realize I may have become a bit of a competitive thrifter. But life is all about the challenges, right?
Today, I scored big with a 1960s Betty Crocker cookbook (for kids, but with plenty of recipes to make that my kid-like fiance will eat), a anchor print knit shirt, a beautifully knit white cape with scalloped edge pockets, vintage "wing" earrings, a horse pin and a brass pineapple paperweight. Lots of excitement over here, let me tell ya.