About a year ago when I decided to start this little gem of a blog, it took me at least seven and a quarter minutes to think of the perfect name for my random collection of ramblings and pictures. Then it became official. Imagine my dismay (yes, dismay), when I stumbled upon Kendi Everyday, an amazing blog who has quite the similar name to mine. This dismay took about five seconds to turn into love, true love, as I scrolled through about twenty pages of her cute outfits and funny stories.
If, like me, you ever stand in front of your closet thinking, "what in goodness gracious will I wear today, because I have absolutely NOTHING in here" (as a sky high pile of pants falls on your foot), here is my gift to you. Kendi often dresses in clothes she gets from Target, thrift stores, and shoes from Payless, and always finds a new combination to put them in. Give her outfits a quick gander and you will surely be inspired.